Take a different view….

There is always a different angle to view each experience! However we tend to find this most difficult when we are going through one that we do not like. Try this the next time it happens to you……….

Pay attention and ‘feel’ the emotions that you are going through so that you can really ‘know’ what it feels like to experience such an event or process. Quickly use your mind to calm yourself down, you can do this many different ways. I like to use plan old logic. I separate myself from the experience and step back from the storm and use what I have learned to relax. “What advise would I give someone else in this same situation?” and then I give myself the same advise. I ‘get over’ it! I then follow with concentrating on a solution and only a solution. I try my best not to look back. You need to cut off your mental connection to this unwanted situation so that you won’t attract more and more thoughts that resemble the unwanted situation and cause negative manifestations! Once you have come up with a plan/solution, take small baby steps if needed, of action to produce the wanted results of this experience. You have now changed your energy path from negative to positive! You are taking charge of your own personal situation and taking your POWER back!

The reason that I asked you to “feel” those feelings in the beginning was for future purpose. Why? Because it is important for us as souls that are here on earth to learn and grow, to be able to have compassion for all others and when we have experienced a specific experience that someone else may be going through, we will then have the TRUE ability to be compassionate! After we have an unwanted experience we need to disconnect/disengage from it emotionally so that we do  not manifest it again. We need to be able to talk with others and have, what is called, a disconnected compassion. That way we can understand what others are experiencing, yet not manifest it (again) for ourselves!

You can now VIEW your negative experience differently. See this experience as a lesson and a gift of learned compassion to possibly be utilized in the future!

Good Luck. Until next time….. (I will try to discuss this disconnect issue more in the next few postings. Positive energy to you all….)

A different way to ‘look’ at it…

I ‘love’ people. Most of the time if you listen to others they will say the opposite. But not me. I ‘love’ people. Good or not so good, people are so interesting to experience experiences with. Therefor, I enjoy all interactions with others because I always “learn” from them. It could be bad and/or “good”, either way, it is always interesting. So….. grow a little today and no matter good or bad (your perception), enjoy your experience!

Just another ‘great’ to appreciate!

There are so so so many things that we do, are, and experience that we fail to appreciate! I am for sure a glass is half full kinda girl, however even being so, I can find myself in a state of gloom. And I will also find myself in a huge state of irritation when my oldest cheerfully reminds me to “Think positive, mom! Change your energy and be happy so that you can attract happier stuff, mom!” It’s like he is reading my heart which is screaming the very same thing at me. The irritation is not really at him of course, it is at me for feeling negative in the very first place. Also, it then brings me great (and I mean great) relief and joy to realize that he is actually listening to me when I try to teach him how to make his life path a joy filled one! And that is an awesome gift as a parent. Following such far and few between episodes, I relax and cheer up as I do change my mind-set and move on to higher energy fields, and gather, once again, another ‘thing’ to appreciate!

So, today… I appreciate being a parent. Sometimes it is quite exhausting, but moments like above, it is a radiant blessing to watch our little ones grow and blossom into strong individuals. We spend our days in small panics, worrying if they will turn out okay. Will they listen to us when we tell them to not do harmful things to themselves and to be smart and patient??? Who knows. However, I do know that worry only brings on situations that will make me worry, so I choose to think of all the wonderful and amazing experiences that they will have throughout their journeys. I am ever so grateful to be a parent (even those times when my husband and I can not find a babysitter, ha ha.) Teaching is an honor and we as parents are ‘teachers’! Lead by example.

Until next time….. Love and Joy to all……

The not so secret, secret to abundance…

The secret is quite easy, really! Just appreciate what you have today!

What have you appreciated today?

Go ahead, make a list of all the wonderful things and experiences in your life! Having a hard time? Look away for a moment. What do you see going on around you? There is always someone having a more difficult experience in life! Only glance at them long enough to make a quick mental note then switch your mind gears back to yourself. Now… what do you have to appreciate about your own journey? Practice looking at the beauty that is within your world! The better you get at this, the more abundance will follow!

Almost time to be an adult again!…..almost.

It has been such a nice summer! Drinking, playing with friends, child-like activities spread throughout my weeks….. ahhh….. what a life! Realizing that in just 2 weeks my beautiful children will have to return to their normal fall through spring school activities makes me feel a tad sad. Not “I think I am going to cry” sad, but more of the “wow, I really enjoyed the last few months and it’s time for change” kind of sad. I will miss the relaxed schedules and bare feet. And I will for sure miss being able to say “Sure we can stay up and have another drink, we don’t have to be any where in the morning!” Just like when I was a kid.

So, what makes this summer different then past summers, as an adult? Well, I am pretty sure it has everything to do with embracing my personal power of life control mind-set. Another words, using what I have learned to take control and enjoy my moments no matter what they may be! I have found the secret to happiness! It involves relaxing my mind, body and spirit to a level of LOVE. It involves realizing that I need not take on the worries of others and just go with what feels “good and right” even if it’s just for that moment! Did I let some things GO? yes, I sure did. Like a couple of jobs that were making me feel anxiety. I let go blogging for a few weeks at a time (and NOT feel bad about it), there was also another computer job project that I was trying to do just for the sake of money, it was really stressing me out, so let it go – I did! I switched up priorities to ones that made more sense for me and gave me a feeling of “fun” (and calm stomach!) Therefore my summer has felt more child-like, more FUN! Did a few things get pushed aside like house work or yard work? For sure, however, it’s still there and had I pushed too hard to be all and do all, I wouldn’t be writing this right now. It will all get done (and I didn’t lose any friends over the lack of finished projects either!) The kids will be at school for most of the day soon, and I will feel comfortable completing the unfinished whatever… We don’t have anyone to impress but our selves. And as long as we love and respect our decisions, more impressive situations will occur! Trying to LIVE IN THE MOMENT is the way of a child. It’s a feeling of freedom and joy. It makes your path clearer and your experiences fuller! Live like a child today, you will be happy that you did!!  Best wishes always… until next time….

From the Heart,



I have been so very, very busy lately that I haven’t had time to write as often as I normally like. Ahhh, summer. Children home demanding attention and the house looks like a huge frat party was held all night. Many jobs still to do, however, life is good, filled with energy and emotions and that is what ‘life’ is. That’s why we are here. So, on to the next moment in time……..

Today I wanted to mention how sometimes we forget to DREAM. We get so caught up in the stress of the moment that we simply put off what it is that we ‘want’, for what we are now having. Does this make sense? I know how important it is to live in the time of the now, however if we are doing that in a negative sense, we do not take time for growth. We become stagnant…. and muddy. Our thoughts are not clear and therefore we do not get any clear results. So where is the balance of not giving up on the things (dreams) that we want to accomplish (with family, friends and materials) and living in the moment? Because we need to live in the moment to appreciate what we have given ourselves so far and still see movement and growth for our future experiences.

We have to be careful to really expect what ever it is that we ‘want’ and not just want and hope for it from a place that says “I don’t have it but I really want it” because when we do this, it keeps it away from us. When we want something so very intensely and feel the feelings of ‘lack’, we end up just creating that same image out there to the universe – the feelings of ‘lack’. If we want something, whether it is a relationship or material item, we have to look forward to it and admire those around us whom already have it. (Oh, the green-eyed monster is the worse!! I will talk about that in my next post.)

Okay, so balance is key, as usual. Keep your dreams close and refresh them regularly, but at the same time enjoy your ‘now’ moments with gratitude and love. Keep intentions clear and positive with high energy and before you know it, YOUR DREAMS ‘ARE’ YOUR ‘NOW’ MOMENTS, ALL THE TIME! Until next time…

From the heart,



Just walkin’ around…

What are you thinking about, when you’re just walking around, throughout your day? Say it’s a Sunday and you get to be home from your normal days of rushing around, working, what will you do? Hmmm, it’s been a while since you had a moment to do nothing and everything at the same time. And then there it goes, suddenly. Your imagination, your ramped thoughts go forward and backwards, double time. Where are they going? Are you even paying attention? Are you following your thoughts or are your thoughts following you? What’s the difference? Well, the difference is, that when we are following our thoughts that means we are letting them lead our path and when our thoughts are following us, that means ‘we’ are leading them.

How is your path looking? How are you feeling? Pay attention to your mood. Are you fussing and worrying about all the things that need to be done? Do you feel a sense of anxiety? Are you wandering around your home looking at all the things that you wish to change? Finding yourself annoyed with your co-experiencers or other surroundings? If any of this rings true, you are ‘not’ leading your thoughts! Stop, and take a breath. Re-focus your intentions. What is it that you actually want? Change your perception of your current situation to one that makes you feel good and APPRECIATE what you are finding in front of you! Yes, this takes some work and it may seem like more work than the opposite of just aimlessly running around in a negative cloud, seeing the down side of everything, but you will not change a single thing to positive if you continue to do this! Work your mind a little, pretend it is just a game, a game that you really want to win and win big! So, pay attention and start taking the lead, now, while you are living! I found myself fretting at the beginning of my Sunday and it took me a while to realize what I was doing, by how I was feeling. I was looking at myself and my surrounding s in a negative light, and I pinched that thought off and decided to start with a major search on all the things that I was taking for granted and concentrate on ways to appreciate those things and then it snowballed to more things and people and experiences to feel positive about. Suddenly life was not overwhelming and the things that were so annoying a minute ago, were not so important to zone my attention in on. It took a little work, yes, but I want to have a life that is full of as many positive and loving experiences as I can make possible, so… my life is good and a little work goes a loooonnnggg way! Until next time, best wishes and positive energy to you…..

From the heart,


Simple Reminder…

Well, we all know how I like to keep things simple. Simplicity makes our minds run clearer and therefore we can prioritize our beloved desires with greater strength and intent.  I wanted to remind ourselves about how our words affect our outcomes in life experiences. Sometimes we get carried away with negative wording in our discussions with others or even just ourselves. Each word is made up of energy and that energy is set lose to latch on to our beings and change our molecular structure. So the next time the horrible negative word slips right out of your, I am sure, well intended mind… catch it! Catch it and replace it with a word or words that will leave an  intelligent and positive energetic  mark on ourselves  and those around us (or even those that are not physically around us – if the words were intended or about that person.) This practice is very important if you are looking to change your reality to something desired and positive. Words change everything, so change your words if you need to. And do not be afraid to apologize to your loved ones and any others around you when you loose control of your tongue, because we can reverse those negative shaped molecules to positive ones with a kind and loving filled apology, and it also teaches those around us how to take control and be empowered, therefore creating a wonderful atmosphere for all! Good luck and positive energy to all…. Until next time…

From the heart,


Appreciate This and Raise Your Vibration!

You know what’s really awesome?…

When you are driving down the road and you see a small muddy turtle slowly crossing the bumpy and quite long gravel road. In your mind you wonder, does he even know that in a matter of moments a huge alien vehicle will come zooming by, completely unaware of his little body swaying leg by leg toward the pond on the other side and well.. you know the completion of this sentence. Living in the country, this scenario happens all the time, so my children and I have made it a mission to try to save every turtle that we can from such destruction. Why? Because that is just what you do when you have a car full of small children and have witnessed the enlightened joy in their souls after such an event! So, we stop, my oldest jumps out (after mommy had deemed it safe), runs to the little (or sometimes big) sweet creature and lifts it to safety, just in time I might add because it never fails that a car or two has had to stop and also witness this beautiful, yet simple display of child-like love and appreciation for life. After he jumps back in the car, all of the kids full of excitement and new positive energy, we talk about it for a moment or two and off we go to our original destination!

This is one of life’s awesome little moments that was created to be appreciated and therefore raise our vibrations to a higher level. Do not forget to keep your eyes and hearts open for such experiences in your daily lives! Until next time…..

From the heart,


Raise your vibration right now..

I have a homework assignment for all of you today!

And it goes something like this…….

Find one person in your memory bank that when you think of that person it brings you a feeling of anger, annoyance, sadness, helplessness, guilt, or makes you want to just plain blow chunks (lol), and as this individual’s image materializes in you mind, FORGIVE THEM! Forgive them for what ever experience they made in their lives that had such an impact on YOU. And then I want you to take a big deep breath and FORGIVE YOURSELF. Forgive yourself for allowing another to enter your energy field and leave those negative vibrations attached to your being. After you have verbally and mentally spoken the words of forgiveness, allowing a feeling of release to overcome you, say the next few words over and over again until you are exhausted…….. “I love you and I love myself”

This is a wonderful exercise to utilize whenever you are feeling down and congested. Have a wonderful and positive day! Until next time…

Deep from the heart,
